The resize funcion of a matrix behaves differently when BFL is compiled with
Lti or with Newmat. When compiled with Lti, the content of the matrix is
kept. When compiled with Newmat, the content of the matrix is lost.
In Newmat 10, there is no option to keep the content, in Newmat 11 and in Lti
there exists such an option.
What is the best strategy to follow in BFL?
- never keep the content when resizing
- do not support Newmat 10 (although this is the version in Ubuntu/Debian)
- do some manual copying operations to fix the behavior for Newmat 10 (slow)
- ?
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resize of matrix
On 5/3/07, Wim Meeussen <wim [dot] meeussen [..] ...> wrote:
> The resize funcion of a matrix behaves differently when BFL is compiled with
> Lti or with Newmat. When compiled with Lti, the content of the matrix is
> kept. When compiled with Newmat, the content of the matrix is lost.
> In Newmat 10, there is no option to keep the content, in Newmat 11 and in Lti
> there exists such an option.
> What is the best strategy to follow in BFL?
> - never keep the content when resizing
> - do not support Newmat 10 (although this is the version in Ubuntu/Debian)
> - do some manual copying operations to fix the behavior for Newmat 10 (slow)
> - ?
Where is it necessary in BFL to resize matrices (and keep the
content)? Since resizing (at least making bigger) matrices is a non
real-time operation, the last option seems not so bad (with an #ifdef
statement in the matrix wrapper code for newmat)?
ps. Filing a bug "wishlist" bugreport for having newmat11 packaged
might be a good option anyway.
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