cpp unit test for filter, ...


I want to implement the cppunit tests for the filter classes.
The tests which are offered for the moment don't really test anything, they are just an example of a filter.
Should the future cppunit test for filters focus on the tasks executed by the filter itself (so testing all its functions), or should it really test the overall real filtering task (so also the functionality of all the classes it uses (such as models, sampling, ...)).


cpp unit test for filter, ...

On 2 May 2007 16:11:12 -0000, Tinne De Laet
<tinne [dot] delaet [..] ...> wrote:
> Hey,
> I want to implement the cppunit tests for the filter classes.
> The tests which are offered for the moment don't really test anything, they are just an example of a filter.
> Should the future cppunit test for filters focus on the tasks executed by the filter itself (so testing all its functions), or should it really test the overall real filtering task (so also the functionality of all the classes it uses (such as models, sampling, ...)).

I think those tests should test all its functions (hence including a
real-filtering test?). Given the fact that there should also be unit
tests for the models, you could use the same models for testing the
filtering algorithms I guess.
I haven't really thought about how one can test filtering algorithms
exhaustively though :(

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