RTT 1.x Manuals
Manuals and Source Code Documentation for RTT versions 1.x
Look here for RTT 2.x documentation: Toolchain 2.x reference manuals- "What is Orocos?" ( pdf )
- Summary text about what the Orocos Project is and how the Real-Time Toolkit supports it.
- Getting Started with the Real-Time Toolkit ( pdf )
- The installation manual.
- The Component Builder's Manual ( pdf )
- This manual introduces the Orocos application independent hard real-time Component Model and the hardware interfaces.
- The Orocos RTT Developer's Manual ( pdf )
- This manual explains the internals of the RTT: Threads, OS abstraction and internals of the framework.
- The Orocos RTT FAQ
- A collection of general and software specific questions.
- RTT Online API Reference
- Here you can find the automatically generated Class reference.