rttlua / quitting / ilua & completion ?

I was writing this small patch for rttlua that would display how to
quit properly (see attachment). Although I think we should consider
including it, I was wondering if an 'interactive' lua mode wouldn't be
better... There's ilua.lua here :
which also introduces a 'quit' statement. That in combination with a
lua-driven completer like https://github.com/rrthomas/lua-rlcompleter/
could effectively eliminate the last hurdle for pushing the
TaskBrowser from its throne.

I would prefer to start such program as 'irttlua' in the same way as
ipython and irb exist. The -i option would then be assumed and syntax
coloring would then also be on by default...


0001-lua-print-quit-information-when-running-interactive.patch1.05 KB

rttlua / quitting / ilua & completion ?

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 12:32:11AM +0200, Peter Soetens wrote:
> I was writing this small patch for rttlua that would display how to
> quit properly (see attachment). Although I think we should consider

Thanks, fine with me!

> including it, I was wondering if an 'interactive' lua mode wouldn't be
> better... There's ilua.lua here :
> http://lua-users.org/wiki/InteractiveLua
> which also introduces a 'quit' statement. That in combination with a
> lua-driven completer like https://github.com/rrthomas/lua-rlcompleter/
> could effectively eliminate the last hurdle for pushing the
> TaskBrowser from its throne.

The command-line completion would be very nice and probably not very
hard to do either, patches and Cookbook recipies would be very

I'm a bit more cautions about ilua (not sure about how well it is
tested and wether it is maintained at all) but if we mark it as
experimental for some time...

> I would prefer to start such program as 'irttlua' in the same way as
> ipython and irb exist. The -i option would then be assumed and syntax
> coloring would then also be on by default...

That would be nice!


rttlua / quitting / ilua & completion ?

On Jun 18, 2011, at 18:32 , Peter Soetens wrote:

> I was writing this small patch for rttlua that would display how to
> quit properly (see attachment). Although I think we should consider
> including it, I was wondering if an 'interactive' lua mode wouldn't be
> better... There's ilua.lua here :
> http://lua-users.org/wiki/InteractiveLua
> which also introduces a 'quit' statement. That in combination with a
> lua-driven completer like https://github.com/rrthomas/lua-rlcompleter/
> could effectively eliminate the last hurdle for pushing the
> TaskBrowser from its throne.

So is it a long-term goal to get rid of the TaskBrowser?

rttlua / quitting / ilua & completion ?

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 12:52 PM, S Roderick <kiwi [dot] net [..] ...> wrote:
> On Jun 18, 2011, at 18:32 , Peter Soetens wrote:
>> I was writing this small patch for rttlua that would display how to
>> quit properly (see attachment). Although I think we should consider
>> including it, I was wondering if an 'interactive' lua mode wouldn't be
>> better... There's ilua.lua here :
>> http://lua-users.org/wiki/InteractiveLua
>> which also introduces a 'quit' statement. That in combination with a
>> lua-driven completer like https://github.com/rrthomas/lua-rlcompleter/
>> could effectively eliminate the last hurdle for pushing the
>> TaskBrowser from its throne.
> So is it a long-term goal to get rid of the TaskBrowser?

Not at all. It's just that we believe we have a more flexible
programming language with lua and that it deserves the same
ease-of-use as what we're used to with the TaskBrowser.
