I am building an Orocos component that I created using "rosrun ocl
orocreate-pkg myPackage". Since it is compiled with rosmake, I was
wondering how I should include Boost properly:
- Either using the manifest.xml file (in that case which line should I
add? I already tried <rosdep name="boost")
- Either using the CMakeLists.txt file
- Or both?
RTT/ROS integration and adding external libraries
You will definitely need to use the CMakeLists.txt file, adding it in the
manifest will only make sure that the boost libraries and other system
dependencies get installed when `rosdep install myPackage` is called.
You can find more information at
more information on how to include boost properly using CMake
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Flavian Hautbois <f [dot] hautbois [..] ...>wrote:
> Hello,
> I am building an Orocos component that I created using "rosrun ocl
> orocreate-pkg myPackage". Since it is compiled with rosmake, I was
> wondering how I should include Boost properly:
> - Either using the manifest.xml file (in that case which line should I
> add? I already tried <rosdep name="boost")
> - Either using the CMakeLists.txt file
> - Or both?
> Thanks
> Flavian
> --
> Orocos-Users mailing list
> Orocos-Users [..] ...
> http://lists.mech.kuleuven.be/mailman/listinfo/orocos-users
RTT/ROS integration and adding external libraries
I would add to your response that "TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES" has to be added
below "orocos_component" in the src's CMakeLists, while
>FIND_PACKAGE( Boost 1.40 COMPONENTS program_options REQUIRED )
have to be added in the root's CMakeLists
2013/7/24 Ruben Smits <ruben [dot] smits [..] ...>
> You will definitely need to use the CMakeLists.txt file, adding it in the
> manifest will only make sure that the boost libraries and other system
> dependencies get installed when `rosdep install myPackage` is called.
> You can find more information at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3897839/how-to-link-c-program-with-bo... more information on how to include boost properly using CMake
> Ruben
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Flavian Hautbois <f [dot] hautbois [..] ...>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am building an Orocos component that I created using "rosrun ocl
>> orocreate-pkg myPackage". Since it is compiled with rosmake, I was
>> wondering how I should include Boost properly:
>> - Either using the manifest.xml file (in that case which line should I
>> add? I already tried <rosdep name="boost")
>> - Either using the CMakeLists.txt file
>> - Or both?
>> Thanks
>> Flavian
>> --
>> Orocos-Users mailing list
>> Orocos-Users [..] ...
>> http://lists.mech.kuleuven.be/mailman/listinfo/orocos-users
> --
> Ruben Smits, Phd
> Chief Technology Officer
> Intermodalics BVBA
> +32479511786
> www.intermodalics.eu