problem in installing rtt package in ROS groovy

Dear orocos users

I am just starting to use orocos rtt. I check it out from the source
which comes from
use command git clone
then I get the file structure like (in orocos_toolchains)
CMakeLists.txt Makefile orocos_toolchain rtt stack.xml utilmm log4cpp ocl orogen rtt_typelib
typelib utilrb

The problem is that I found the all folders almost empty. e.g. rtt
folder is empty, no any file.

When I use catkin_make this folder, there is no any building result.
I am not quite sure whether I am right.

If you have any comment, please let me know.


Ruben Smits's picture

problem in installing rtt package in ROS groovy

Hi Qiang,

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:53 AM, Qiang Li <qli [..] ...> wrote:
> Dear orocos users
> I am just starting to use orocos rtt. I check it out from the source
> which comes from
> use command git clone
> then I get the file structure like (in orocos_toolchains)
> CMakeLists.txt Makefile orocos_toolchain rtt stack.xml utilmm
> log4cpp ocl orogen rtt_typelib
> typelib utilrb
> The problem is that I found the all folders almost empty. e.g. rtt
> folder is empty, no any file.

those empty directories are git submodules, you need to call
git submodule init
git submodule update
to get its contents or you could have cloned using the --recursive
flag to get it automatically:
git clone --recursive

> When I use catkin_make this folder, there is no any building result.
> I am not quite sure whether I am right.

You will need to call catkin_make_isolated as the orocos_toolchain
packages are plain cmake packages an not catkin packages


> If you have any comment, please let me know.
> Best
> --
> Viele Grüße
> Qiang Li PhD.
> Neuroinformatics Group, Technical Faculty
> CoR-Lab (Graduate School), Q1-107
> Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany
> phone: +49-521-106 12107
> Email: qli [..] ...
> WWW:
> --
> Orocos-Users mailing list
> Orocos-Users [..] ...

problem in installing rtt package in ROS groovy

Dear Ruben

Thank you for the message. Actually I found another installation method
from ros wiki
which will install rtt and ros.

I can install all of them by using

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain
ros-groovy-rtt-ros-integration ros-groovy-rtt-geometry ros-groovy-rtt-ros-comm ros-groovy-rtt-common-msgs

I hope this is the fasest and same way.

I can compile another package partly. There still is one error. It
complains that

Ruben Smits's picture

problem in installing rtt package in ROS groovy

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Qiang Li <qli [..] ...> wrote:
> Dear Ruben
> Thank you for the message. Actually I found another installation method from
> ros wiki
> which will install rtt and ros.
> I can install all of them by using
> sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain
> ros-groovy-rtt-ros-integration ros-groovy-rtt-geometry
> ros-groovy-rtt-ros-comm ros-groovy-rtt-common-msgs
> I hope this is the fasest and same way.

It probably is!

> I can compile another package partly. There still is one error. It complains
> that

problem in installing rtt package in ROS groovy

Thank you for quick message.

qli@akastos:~/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox$ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws is my rosbuild workspace
and /homes/qli/ros_ws is my catkin_make workspace.

Best ,Qiang

On 11/26/2013 12:53 PM, Ruben Smits wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Qiang Li <qli [..] ...> wrote:
>> Dear Ruben
>> Thank you for the message. Actually I found another installation method from
>> ros wiki
>> which will install rtt and ros.
>> I can install all of them by using
>> sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain
>> ros-groovy-rtt-ros-integration ros-groovy-rtt-geometry
>> ros-groovy-rtt-ros-comm ros-groovy-rtt-common-msgs
>> I hope this is the fasest and same way.
> It probably is!
>> I can compile another package partly. There still is one error. It complains
>> that

problem in installing rtt package in ROS groovy

I do not understand why the path is


Because I have deleted orocos folder.(previously I install from source,
the I use

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain
ros-groovy-rtt-ros-integration ros-groovy-rtt-geometry
ros-groovy-rtt-ros-comm ros-groovy-rtt-common-msgs

after that I delete folder


which is the source check out)

In my bashrc, I am using

source /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/orocos_toolchain/

Best, Qiang
On 11/26/2013 01:32 PM, Qiang Li wrote:
> Thank you for quick message.
> qli@akastos:~/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox$ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
> /homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox/orocos/rtt_geometry:/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox/orocos/rtt_common_msgs:/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox/orocos/rtt_ros_comm:/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox/orocos/rtt_ros_integration:/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox/orocos/orocos_toolchain:/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox:/homes/qli/ros_ws/src:/opt/ros/groovy/share:/opt/ros/groovy/stacks
> qli@akastos:~/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox$
> /homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws is my rosbuild workspace
> and /homes/qli/ros_ws is my catkin_make workspace.
> Best ,Qiang
> On 11/26/2013 12:53 PM, Ruben Smits wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Qiang Li <qli [..] ...> wrote:
>>> Dear Ruben
>>> Thank you for the message. Actually I found another installation method from
>>> ros wiki
>>> which will install rtt and ros.
>>> I can install all of them by using
>>> sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-orocos-toolchain
>>> ros-groovy-rtt-ros-integration ros-groovy-rtt-geometry
>>> ros-groovy-rtt-ros-comm ros-groovy-rtt-common-msgs
>>> I hope this is the fasest and same way.
>> It probably is!
>>> I can compile another package partly. There still is one error. It complains
>>> that
>>> -- Found orocos-rtt for the gnulinux target. Available transports: corba
>>> mqueue
>>> This package is in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, so I'm using rosbuild-style
>>> package building.
>>> [UseOrocos] Building package kuka_lwr_fri
>>> [UseOrocos] Generating typekit for kuka_lwr_fri ...
>>> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in
>>> `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- orogen (LoadError)
>>> from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in
>>> `require'
>>> from /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/orocos_toolchain/orogen/bin/typegen:2
>>> CMake Error at
>>> /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/orocos_toolchain/install/lib/cmake/orocos-rtt/UseOROCOS-RTT.cmake:411
>>> (add_subdirectory):
>>> add_subdirectory given source
>>> "/homes/qli/ros_fuerte_ws/sandbox/lwr_hardware/kuka_lwr_fri/typekit"
>>> which
>>> is not an existing directory.
>>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>> CMakeLists.txt:38 (orocos_typegen_headers)
>>> [UseOrocos] Generating package version 1.0 (default version).
>>> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
>>> The package is kuka_lwr_fri,
>>> I get from
>>> I was putting this package in the fuerte workspace and use rosmake to
>>> compile
>>> in my bash file, I have used: source
>>> /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/orocos-toolchain/, then
>>> rosmake kuka_lwr_fri.
>> I see you are mixing Fuerte and Groovy workspaces/installations, this
>> is not recommended and should only be done if you know what you are
>> doing and understand the consequences.
>>> I google this error, there are some links in
>>> But I am not quite sure what is the meaning of
>>> "The errors should be gone after the rosdep steps...if you got these
>>> steps from a wiki page, please update them for groovy !"
>>> I run
>>> rosdep install orogen
>>> It said, I have installed successfully
>> Could you show us your environment variables after you sourced
>> /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/orocos-toolchain/
>> Ruben
>>> If you have the comment, please let me know. Thank you very much!
>>> Best Qiang
>>> On 11/26/2013 12:14 PM, Ruben Smits wrote:
>>> Hi Qiang,
>>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:53 AM, Qiang Li <qli [..] ...>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear orocos users
>>> I am just starting to use orocos rtt. I check it out from the source
>>> which comes from
>>> use command git clone
>>> then I get the file structure like (in orocos_toolchains)
>>> CMakeLists.txt Makefile orocos_toolchain rtt stack.xml utilmm
>>> log4cpp ocl orogen rtt_typelib
>>> typelib utilrb
>>> The problem is that I found the all folders almost empty. e.g. rtt
>>> folder is empty, no any file.
>>> those empty directories are git submodules, you need to call
>>> git submodule init
>>> git submodule update
>>> to get its contents or you could have cloned using the --recursive
>>> flag to get it automatically:
>>> git clone --recursive
>>> When I use catkin_make this folder, there is no any building result.
>>> I am not quite sure whether I am right.
>>> You will need to call catkin_make_isolated as the orocos_toolchain
>>> packages are plain cmake packages an not catkin packages
>>> Ruben
>>> If you have any comment, please let me know.
>>> Best
>>> --
>>> Viele Grüße
>>> Qiang Li PhD.
>>> Neuroinformatics Group, Technical Faculty
>>> CoR-Lab (Graduate School), Q1-107
>>> Bielefeld University, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany
>>> phone: +49-521-106 12107
>>> Email: qli [..] ...
>>> WWW:
>>> --
>>> Orocos-Users mailing list
>>> Orocos-Users [..] ...
>>> --
>>> Viele Grüße
>>> Qiang Li PhD.
>>> Neuroinformatik Group, Bielefeld University,
>>> phone: +49-521-106 12107
>>> Email: qli [..] ...
>>> WWW:
>>> Office address:
>>> Universität Bielefeld
>>> CITEC Forschungsbau
>>> Raum 3.223
>>> Inspiration 1
>>> 33619 Bielefeld