Hi All
this is my first time to use the Providing and Requiring Services. I have two components client and server the server component has display service I can use it as an Operation in the deployer my only issue is this line in the client component
requires("display")->connectTo( getPeer("server")->provides("display") );
Always returns false??? any body can help please..
How TO use?? Providing and Requiring Services
You should try to check any intermediate result in your line and check in
the API (or source code, as orocos is open source ^^). If you have a good
editor and a well configurated project, you should be able to open the
associate header files easily.
Ex : getPeer("server") can fail if the peer server is not present in your
2015-09-03 10:50 GMT+02:00 <alaaeldeen [dot] abdalrahman [..] ....j
> Hi All
> this is my first time to use the Providing and Requiring Services.
> I have two components client and server
> the server component has display service I can use it as an Operation in
> the
> deployer my only issue is this line in the client component
> requires("display")->connectTo( getPeer("server")->provides("display") );
> Always returns false???
> any body can help please..
> --
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