The CTU presentation of fieldbus communications at Embedded World 2009 Exhibition (fwd)


Below is a message which contains interesting information about open source
device drivers that some of you might be interested in. Pavel Pisa is a
very open and reachable person, so you can ask more information directly to


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 13:32:01 +0100
From: Pavel Pisa <pisa [..] ...>
To: Herman Bruyninckx <Herman [dot] Bruyninckx [..] ...>
Subject: The CTU presentation of fieldbus communications at Embedded World 2009

Hello Herman,

if you have way to Embedded World this year, I would be
happy to meet you there.

There is copy of our broader invitation

The Czech Technical University has received kind invitation from
Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL -
to present open source projects and diploma thesis works developed
at our department (DCE - at the OSADL booth
at Embedded World 2009 Exhibition.
The OSADL academic members participate at  OSADL booth (no. 306, hall 11).

We have focused mainly on our industrial networks and control
related projects for our presentation.

PBMaster project ( is result of diploma theses
of Tran Duy Khanh. The projects includes open source Profibus DP
communication stack implementation, kernel drivers to use stack with
common PC UARTs and PCI extended UARTs on Linux and BSD systems.
The stack is portable enough to run even on small ARM based single
chip microcontroller systems, the Profibus master and device code
function will be presented on NXP LPC2148 and LPC2105 devices.
The PBMaster project provides even frame and bit analyzer support
for some configurtations.

The ProfiNet support  for Linux with use of Net-X based interface cards
is our next target and some partial results could be presented.

FRESCOR project ( - Framework for Real-time Embedded
Systems based on COntRacts. The framework provides resource reservation
together with flexible scheduling techniques and run-time enforcement
of contract parameters.

The ORTE project ( open source
implementation of the RTPS communication protocol initially introduced
by Real Time Innovations and now standardized by OMG.
The newer version and implementation utilizing FRESCOR framework
for resource utilization control are work in progress tasks.

We are maintaining  character device based Linux CAN driver
(LinCAN - which is still in use
by many companies and our department local project.
The CVS code has been tested up to 2.6.27 kernel on multiple
CAN board hardware. We expect update for 2.6.28+ in few days.
We have even opensource version of USB<->CAN converter
with LinCAN support on host side and firmware based on LinCAN
sources as well. The newer Qt based CAN frames analyzer has
been implemented in frame of diploma thesis. The code of
our CANopen EDS configured device and CANopen to ETHERNET
bridge has been updated as well.

We use and have experience with SocketCan and CAN festival
which are used in some of our projects as well.
We use this and other our and third party SW even on Midam
MPC5200 systems which we utilize for education, autonomous
robots and vehicles control.

Marek Peca's ultrasound beacons based position system for robot
autonomous localization in Eurobot playground area is other
related interesting project which is developed for our Eurobot
competition team (

We have even long time experience with motion and robotic
control systems. The book based on the diploma theses
of our former student documenting base of one of our
motion control systems has been published on demand
of VDM Verlag.
Motion Control forMobile Robots:
Basics and Concepts of PXMC Library for Brushless DC Motors

The support for Matlab/Simulink RTW target for MPC5200 based
Linux systems with SocketCan and CANopen connected sensors
and actuators is developed for hardware in the loop avionic
tests for Czech aircraft producer.

We have designed and utilize many small and larger embedded systems.
You can find information and support code for your inspiration in our
HW related Wiki system

We would like to exchange experience about interresting projects
and look for possible cooperation in similar research, industrial
and hobby project.

Yours sincerely

                Pavel Pisa

e-mail: pisa [..] ...
fax: +420 224355703
tel: +420 224357554

Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Karlovo namesti 13
121 35 Prague 2
Czech Republic


